Bernard Martin Dulsey (Chicago, IL, February 27, 1914 – San Clemente, Orange, California, November 4, 1992) was an American professor, scholar, editor, and translator. In 1964, Southern Illinois University Press published “The Villagers,” an authorized English translation by Bernard M. Dulsey of Ecuador’s most famous novel, “Huasipungo,” in collaboration with its author Jorge Icaza. Mr. Dulsey was a professor emeritus of the foreign language and literature department of the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He earned his doctorate at the University of Illinois and worked as a prose editor for the Library of Congress’ annual Handbook of Latin American Studies. He was also an associate editor of the Kansas City Review and contributed to a number of scholarly journals in the United States and abroad.
Teaching Career
From 1951 until 1974, Mr. Dulsey taught Spanish language and literature at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Previously, he was a Spanish instructor at Purdue University.
- A.M. from the University of Chicago (1939)
- Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (1950)
Resting place
El Toro Memorial Park, Lake Forest, Orange, California, USA.

The Villagers / Huasipungo / a novel by Jorge Icaza (1964) / Authorized translation and introduction by Bernard M. Dulsey [from the expanded 1953 version].