Pedro Florentino Valdez

Pedro Florentino Valdez Alcivar, originally from Rocafuerte, stood as a testament to raw poetic talent. Despite not being able to read or write, he had an extraordinary ability to share profound thoughts through the oral tradition. In his younger years, he settled in Chone, where the environment deeply influenced his oral verses. Milton Erazo Vera compiled and introduced Valdez’s spoken poetry to a broader audience through “El poeta de la Montaña” in 1957. Horacio Hidrovo further honored Valdez by depicting him as deeply connected to nature’s essence. By the 1990s, “Amorfinos costeños” compiled various forms of Valdez’s oral poetry, from décimas to quartets. His work, abundant with themes like love, hardships, natural beauty, and cultural celebrations, reflected his desire to connect with the written word. Valdez’s legacy remains a powerful reminder of the beauty of oral traditions and our deep bond with nature.

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Juan Suárez Proaño

Juan Suárez Proaño (Quito, 1993) is an Ecuadorian poet and editor. He studied Communication and Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and has written several acclaimed poetry collections, including “Lluvia sobre los columpios” (2014) and “Las cosas negadas” (2021), which won a national poetry award in 2021. In addition to his writing, Proaño works as an editor for El Ángel Editor, a publishing house, and coordinates “Poesía en Paralelo Cero,” an international poetry event in Ecuador. His blend of literary talents has made him a significant figure in both the local and international literary community.

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Ernesto Torres Terán

Ernesto Torres Terán (Guayaquil, 1956) is an Ecuadorian medical doctor and prolific writer. He began his literary journey with the publication of the short story collection “Del puerto secreto” (1982), followed by “Y sin embargo se mueve” (1983) and “Territorio de fantasmas” (2006). His novels include notable works like “Asedios profanos,” for which he won the Onetti-Rulfo Prize in 1996, “Mínima gloria” (2012), and “Diecisiete ballenas en una pecera” (2014), earning him various awards. Recently, he won the Miguel Riofrío Prize for his latest novel “Tu próxima movida” (2022), further adding to his acclaim as a prominent Ecuadorian writer.

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Ángela Arboleda

Ángela Arboleda Jiménez (Guayaquil, 1969) is a journalist, publicist, dancer, oral storyteller, writer, cultural manager, and teacher. Her literary career began under the mentorship of Miguel Donoso Pareja, and she has published works such as “Cuentos y tradiciones orales del Ecuador” (2006), “Nadie sabe qué hará mañana” (2008), “Tuétano” (2021), and “Esa mujer es la muerte” (2022). A dedicated preserver of oral traditions, Arboleda has toured festivals for over 20 years, and her significant contributions to cultural management are marked by her leadership in various storytelling events. She has been recognized with nominations for Woman of the Year in Art and Culture. She holds advanced degrees in Cultural Management and teaches at the University of the Arts (UArtes) in Guayaquil.

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Fredy Byron Arias Calero

Fredy Byron Arias Calero is an Ecuadorian medical doctor and poet. He is a member of the literature section of the Chimborazo chapter of the House of Ecuadorian Culture, and the International Network of Writers for the Earth (RIET), an organization advocating for a shift in attitudes to promote greater respect for the Earth and all its inhabitants. His 2021 work, “Poesías del Silencio Escrito,” further attests to his remarkable contribution to the realm of poetry.

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Gladys Paredes Bonilla

Gladys Erminia Paredes Bonilla (Riobamba, 1965) is an Ecuadorian poet and educator. She is a member of the literary section of the Chimborazo chapter of the House of Ecuadorian Culture. She represented Ecuador at the 2020 “Second Virtual Book Fair Italy.” Bonilla is part of the “Vuelo de Mujer” movement, a group of 45 women using poetry to combat violence against women and promote respect. Her 2018 poetry collection “Instantes,” was published by the Chimborazo branch of the House of Ecuadorian Culture.

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