María Leonor Baquerizo

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Martha Chávez

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Renato Gudiño

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Carolina Andrade

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Denise Rosales

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Martha Rodríguez Albán

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Marcela Veintimilla

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Livina Santos

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Liliana Miraglia

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Fabiola Solís de King

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Iván Petroff Rojas

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Galo Galarza Dávila

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Zoila María Castro

Zoila María Castro (1907-2001) was a prominent Ecuadorian writer who, alongside Mary Corylé, Eugenia Viteri, and Carmen Acevedo Vega, stands as one of the most significant female figures in Ecuadorian literature from 1948 to 1960. Her most important work, titled “Urbe,” is a book of short stories that offers a social realist perspective on Ecuadorian immigrants in the U.S. Among her notable works are “En el norte está el dorado” and “Verónica, historia de amor.”

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Ernesto Torres Terán

Ernesto Torres Terán (Guayaquil, 1956) is an Ecuadorian medical doctor and prolific writer. He began his literary journey with the publication of the short story collection “Del puerto secreto” (1982), followed by “Y sin embargo se mueve” (1983) and “Territorio de fantasmas” (2006). His novels include notable works like “Asedios profanos,” for which he won the Onetti-Rulfo Prize in 1996, “Mínima gloria” (2012), and “Diecisiete ballenas en una pecera” (2014), earning him various awards. Recently, he won the Miguel Riofrío Prize for his latest novel “Tu próxima movida” (2022), further adding to his acclaim as a prominent Ecuadorian writer.

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Oswaldo Encalada Vásquez

Oswaldo Encalada Vásquez (Cañar, 1955) is a philologist, writer of both fiction and children’s literature, and an academic. His substantial contributions to the field of linguistics and literature earned him the prestigious “Fray Vicente Solano” award, conferred by the Municipality of Cuenca on October 18, 2004. This recognition underscores his significant influence and standing in Ecuador’s intellectual and cultural domains. Throughout his career, Vásquez has served in notable positions, including professorships at the Universidad de Azuay and the Colegio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón. Additionally, he is a distinguished member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language, further testament to his respected status in the academic world.

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