Elsy Santillán Flor (Quito, December 23, 1957) is an Ecuadorian poet, fiction writer, playwright, and author of children’s literature. She’s also a lawyer by profession and has worked in Ecuador’s courts. From 1999-2002 she was secretary of Ecuadorian Society of Writers (SEDE). She was the recipient of the Jorge Luis Borges National Prize and the Pablo Palacio Prize. One of her plays received honorable mention at the Joaquín Gallegos Lara Prize in 2011. The majority of her short fiction was collected in “Los miedos juntos” (2009). In 2021, she published her latest work, a horror novel titled “Fantasmagórica aventura del grupo 21” [The Phantasmagorical Adventure of Group 21]. Some of her works have been translated into Hungarian and French.
- Jorge Luis Borges National Prize (Women’s Culture Club and Argentine Embassy), 1995.
- Pablo Palacio Prize (Center for Cultural Diffusion Cedic/National Council of Culture), 1997.
- Honorable mention at the “Joaquín Gallegos Lara” Prize, Theater category. Consejo Metropolitano de Quito.2011.
- She shared the prize “Casa de Escritores y Poetas de Bretaña” París. 2012 – 2013.
- De mariposas, espejos y sueños (1987)
- De espantos y minucias (1992)
- Furtivas vibraciones olvidadas (1993)
- Gotas de cera en la ceniza (1999)
- Los miedos juntos (El Ángel Editor, 2009)
- Las ficciones de la soledad
- Tiniebla 13
- Fantasmagórica aventura del grupo 21 (De la Cuesta Editores, 2021)
- En las cuevas ajenas de la noche (1998)
- Aristas en el tiempo nuevo
- Proscritas nimiedades
- Canción de lo injusto
- Danza imperfecta
- Cena para estúpidos
Children’s literature
- Maravilloso Agustín
- Las doce habitaciones de la magia (2002)
- Deseabulos 1 (1993)
- Deseabulos 2 (2003)
- La certeza de los presagios., Cinco narradoras ecuatorianas
Her work has been included in the following anthologies
- Índice de la narrativa ecuatoriana (1992)
- Antología de narradoras ecuatorianas (Miguel Donoso Pareja, comp.; Libresa, 1997)
- Antología básica del cuento ecuatoriano (Eugenia Viteri, comp.; 5ª edición, 1998)
- Narradoras ecuatorianas de hoy, una antología crítica (Gloria da Cunha-Giabbai, comp.; Universidad de Puerto Rico, UPR; 2000)
- Cuentan las mujeres (Cecilia Ansaldo Briones, comp.; Seix Barral-Planeta, 2001)