Francisco Arízaga Luque

Francisco Arízaga Luque

Francisco Arízaga Luque was an Ecuadorian poet, writer and politician. He was born in Lima, Peru on February 6, 1900, while his father was exiled by the liberal regime of Eloy Alfaro, and died in Guayaquil, Ecuador on October 22, 1964. Arízaga served as the President of Ecuador from July 14, 1925 to January 10, 1926 as part of the First Provisional Government. Other public posts he held include Minister of Public Education and Ambassador of Ecuador to the United Kingdom and Venezuela.


Arízaga‘s sonnet “Nocturno Trágico Sentimental” won first prize in the Juegos Florales Universitarios in 1919.


Arízaga was fluent in English and French. He translated Walt Whitman.

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