Gabriela Ruiz Agila, known affectionately as Gaby Ruiz (Quito, 1983) is an award-winning journalist, writer, and poet. Her mixed ancestry includes Chinese. Her poetry collection, “Madame Ho: Escrituras de Viaje” (2017) was well-received by critics in Latin America. Some of her poems have been translated into Portuguese. As a journalist she has written articles and books covering human rights, transnational crimes, and culture. Her non-fiction books include: “Ataúd en Llamas,” and “Caminar como Mujeres Amazónicas.”
- First place – Eugenio Espejo National Journalism Award [Ecuador, 2017];
- Second Place – Ismael Pérez Pazmiño National Poetry Contest for “Escrituras de Viaje” [Ecuador, 2016];
- First Place – Crónica del Cincuentenario organized by the UABC (Mexico) for “Relato de una foránea” [México, 2007].