Quintiliano Sánchez

Quintiliano Sánchez

Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón (Quito, April 13, 1848 – Ibidem, July 24, 1925) was a prominent literary figure in Ecuador, known for his contributions as a poet, novelist, journalist, translator, grammarian, and educator. His critical stance against the government of General Ignacio de Veintemilla, his directorship of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language, and his dedication to literature and education left a lasting impact. Through his captivating works, such as the novel “Amar con desobediencia,” his notable poetry like “Oda al Chimborazo,” and his translations of Latin classics, Sánchez Rendón demonstrated his artistic talent and linguistic prowess. His involvement in journalism and the founding of newspapers, along with his role as an influential teacher, further exemplified his multifaceted influence in shaping Ecuadorian literature and intellectual discourse.


Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón was a literary figure whose contributions as a poet, novelist, journalist, translator, grammarian, and teacher left an enduring legacy in Ecuadorian literature. His role as a critic of the government, his directorship of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language, and his commitment to education further exemplify his significant influence.

Early Life and Education

Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón was born to José Sánchez Villagómez and Micaela Rendón Olais on April 13, 1848, in Quito, Ecuador. His upbringing in Quito provided a rich cultural and intellectual environment that fostered his love for literature and language. Sánchez Rendón’s educational journey included studying literature at the Vicente León School in Latacunga, where he eventually became a teacher. This early exposure to teaching foreshadowed his future career as an influential educator.

Literary Career and Journalistic Endeavors

Throughout his literary journey, Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón’s works captivated readers with their artistic merit, social commentary, and linguistic prowess. His novels shed light on the intricacies of Ecuadorian society, while his translations brought classical wisdom to the Spanish-speaking world.

One of Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón’s notable works is “Amar con desobediencia” (To Love with Disobedience). This socio-political novel, published in 1905, captured the attention of readers and became a bestseller during its time. The novel delved deep into the customs and traditions of the era, providing a thought-provoking portrayal of society. Through its insightful commentary and skillful narrative technique, “Amar con desobediencia” made a significant contribution to Ecuadorian literature.

Sánchez Rendón was also known for his notable contributions to the field of poetry. One of his most famous poems is “Oda al Chimborazo” (Ode to Chimborazo), which he dedicated to Carlos R. Tobar. This poem beautifully captures the awe-inspiring grandeur of the Chimborazo volcano, a prominent landmark in Ecuador.

Additionally, Sánchez Rendón demonstrated his proficiency as a translator by bringing Latin works into the Spanish language. Notably, he translated Cicero’s “Tratado de la vejez” (On Old Age) in 1907, introducing readers to the timeless wisdom of the Roman philosopher. He also translated “Oda a Melpómene” (Ode to Melpomene) by Horace in poetic form, capturing the essence and qualities of the original work.

Beyond his creative endeavors, Sánchez Rendón had an active involvement in journalism and publishing. He founded and directed several newspapers and publications that played a significant role in disseminating his ideas and engaging with contemporary issues. One notable publication was the political newspaper “El Republicano,” which he co-founded in Latacunga in 1875 with Juan Abel Echeverría. This newspaper served as a platform for Sánchez Rendón to express his critical views on the government of General Ignacio de Veintemilla. His critical stance against the government of the General led to his exile to Colombia and subjected him to severe penalties. Furthermore, he also contributed to the literary magazines “La Revista Literaria” and “Revista Ecuatoriana.”

Educational Contributions and Directorship

Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón had a distinguished career as an educator, imparting his knowledge and passion for literature to students at various educational institutions. He taught literature at the Vicente León School in Latacunga, where he played a significant role in shaping the literary education of his students. Additionally, he served as a professor of Latin at the Seminario Menor in Quito and the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Universidad Central.

In 1887, Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón became a member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language, marking a significant milestone in his literary career. His induction into the academy recognized his exceptional contributions to the field of literature and language. As a distinguished member, he actively participated in the academy’s initiatives. In 1901, Sánchez Rendón was appointed as the director of the academy, where he played a vital role in the preservation and development of the Spanish language in Ecuador.

Legacy and Impact

Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón’s diverse talents and unwavering dedication to literature, education, and journalism left a lasting impact on Ecuadorian letters. His poetry, novels, and journalistic works continue to be studied and appreciated for their eloquence, depth, and insightful commentary on society. Furthermore, his role as an educator and his directorship of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language further cemented his influence in shaping intellectual discourse and promoting linguistic excellence.


A mi madre, enviándole mi retrato

Yo soy el hijo que en modesta cuna
arrullaste con cánticos de amor,
mientras mi frente la apacible luna
bañaba con su tibio resplandor.

Ayer, feliz en apacible infancia
jugueteaba en tu seno con afán…
¡Cuán dulce entonces en la paterna estancia
era pedirte con sonrisa el pan!

Hoy, desgraciado, en apartada orilla,
herida el alma de incurable mal,
pido sólo la lágrima que brilla
en el puro semblante maternal.

Del placer en mi faz no hay un destello,
que la desgracia mi sonrisa heló;
la cana ya platea mi cabello,
y el negro rizo lánguido cayó.

Niño, cantaba al susurrar del viento
por las selvas vagando y el vergel;
joven, exhalo gemebundo acento,
me inspiro sólo en el dolor cruël.

Placeres de una infancia venturosa,
madre, delicias de risueño hogar…
¡pasasteis como sombra vaporosa
y un recuerdo dejasteis al pasar!

Recuerdo melancólico que hiere
doquiera el alma con arpón tenaz;
breve meteoro que al brillar se muere,
dicha que vuela en ilusión fugaz.

¡Y vivo solo y de tu vista lejos
es mi vida un acérrimo penar!
¡En ti, del sol muriente a los reflejos,
cuántas veces me place meditar!

Y súbito apareces a mis ojos
pura, risueña y ángel de un edén;
póstrome entonces a llorar de hinojos,
mi labio exclama con dulzura: ven.

Oh, si vinieras a calmar de tu hijo
la pena que le roe el corazón,
cual viene al alma en blando regocijo
de acorde lira inesperado son.

Mas, si la ausencia nos separa, ingrato
no creas, madre, al hijo de tu amor;
te envío allí mi pálido retrato
y con él un suspiro de dolor.

El juramento

Indica hermosa del Antisana,
virgen del claro, lindo raudal,
a ti gacela, tarde y mañana,
remedio pido para mi mal.

¿Padeces? Duro pesar me aqueja,
tengo en el pecho yo no se qué:
cabritos, vaca, pacos, oveja,
todo, cuitado, todo dejé.

Y ahora vengo montes y valles
doquier llenando con mi gemir;
tedio a la aldea, tedio a sus calles
tengo, y al bosque pláceme huir.

Allí, al arrullo de las torcaces
mezclo sentido mi yaraví;
y ellas me dicen: «Hualpo, ¿qué te haces
siempre llorando? ¡Pobre de ti!».

Hasta del Ande las rudas peñas
pueden mis ayes enternecer…
Breves pasasteis, horas risueñas,
y ya me siento desfallecer.

¡Ay pobrecillo! (cómo suspira;
a mi alma mueve la compasión).
¡Hualpo!, recobra tu ánimo y mira
cómo te abates, fuerte varón.

Fiero te he visto con la turpuna
bando enemigo desbaratar;
y ahora ¡vergüenza!, que una por una
lágrimas tuyas vea brotar.

-Cora hechicera, cúlpame en vano,
cuando está enfermo mi corazón;
tócale, trae tu blanda mano,
¿oyes?, se agita, tienes razón.

¡Qué mal, oh Cora! Mal repentino;
lánguida miro, Hualpo, tu faz.
-Mal que me mata, mal que me vino
para quitarme mi dulce paz.

Pluguiera al Inti padre amoroso,
que ya en la tola durmiese, y ¡oh!
antes que… ¡Triste! ¿tu mal odioso
podría acaso curarte yo?

Tú solo puedes, púdica Cora,
júrame hacerlo. -Tengo temor.
-¿Callas? -Lo juro: dímelo ahora.
¿Qué mal? -Morirme por ti de amor.


  • Prontuario de retórica y poética: para el uso de los alumnos del Colegio de San Vicente de León (Imprenta del Colegio por M. Cruz, 1876)
  • Compendio de la Retórica y Poética (Quito, 1910), read it for free here.
  • Amar con desobediencia, novela original (1905), read it for free here.
  • Las batallas: canto dedicado a los heroes de la restauración‎ (1884)
  • Al Chimborazo‎ (1881), read it for free here.
  • Sueño y realidad: canto a Bolívar pronunciado el día 24 de julio de 1883‎ (1888), read it for free here.
  • La hija del Shiri: coleccion de romances‎ (1882), read it for free here.
  • Canto al Cotopazi (Imprenta del gobierno, 1883)
  • La poesía en la fe: Discurso leido por el señor D. Quintiliano Sanchez el 13 de febrero de 1887 en su incorporación a la academia ecuatoriana, Correspondiente de la real española (1889), read it for free here.
  • Recuerdos de la Restauración (1884), read it for free here.

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