Amanda Pazmiño Torres

Amanda Pazmiño Torres

Amanda Pazmiño Torres (Quito, Ecuador, 1993) is an Ecuadorian poet, writer, and teacher of language and English. She has been actively involved in cultural promotion and served as a Cultural Ambassador at the FIL Lima in 2012. In 2020, Pazmiño published her first poetry book, titled “Les hablaré de ti a todos los mares que fragüen un hogar en mis ojos,” which won the 12th edition of the Ileana Espinel Cedeño National Poetry Contest. She leads the ERGO International Cultural Group in Ecuador. She directs workshops focused on creative writing and personal growth, using writing as a tool for self-discovery. She is the director of the poetic writing workshop titled “Camino hacia el equilibrio: palabras que sanan” (Path to Balance: Healing Words). Her poems have been published in the newspaper El Ciudadano and several anthologies. Her poetry booklet “Recorrido de abismo” (Journey through the Abyss) was selected and published by the editorial imprint Despertar (Loja, 2017).


Amanda Pazmiño Torres’ poetry has been featured in various anthologies and digital publications, including Círculo de poesía (Mexico), Escrituras Indie (Argentina), diario EL Ciudadano (Chile), La Ubre Amarga (Bolivia), La raíz invertida (Colombia), and Revista Eantabus (Mexico). She has received recognition for her work, such as achieving third place in the VI International Poetry Festival Ileana Espinel Cedeño in 2013 and winning first place in the Ileana Espinel National Poetry Contest in 2019. In 2021, she received Honorable Mention in the 2nd edition of the Editorial J. Bernavil International Poetry Contest, Spain 2021.


Amanda Pazmiño Torres pursued her education in the field of communication with a specialization in literature at the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil in Ecuador. She completed her undergraduate studies there, focusing her thesis on the topic of “Cuerpos que exportan: la configuración y desfiguración del eros cognoscente en Nefando, de Mónica Ojeda y 2666, de Roberto Bolaño” (Bodies that Export: The Configuration and Disfiguration of Cognizant Eros in Nefando by Mónica Ojeda and 2666 by Roberto Bolaño). She is a master’s student in Cultural Studies at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.


  • Les hablaré de ti a todos los mares que fragüen un hogar en mis ojos (2020)
  • 8 Poetas Ahorita (Amaru, Dadaif y Camareta Cartonera, 2014)
  • Mujeres y disidencias al frente: nueva poesía ecuatoriana (El Conejo, 2018)
  • Alma Adentro (El Conejo, 2018)
  • Recorrido de abismo (Despertar, 2017)
  • Recorrido de abismo (Loja, 2017)

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