Ana Estrella Santos is a dialectologist and writer who won the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit Prize in 2013 for her short story book La curiosidad mató al alemán. Estrella is the director of the Language and Literature department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Quito, where she also teaches. She earned her PhD in Hispanic Philology and General Linguistics from the National Distance Education University (Madrid, Spain).
Short stories

La curiosidad mató al alemán (2013) winner of the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit National Literature Prize.
Estrella has published many articles on communication and linguistics which include:
- Análisis del lenguaje políticamente correcto en Ecuador: el caso de ‘centros de rehabilitación’ y de ‘personas privadas de su libertad’ (2017). Published in the Revista PUCE (Puce Magazine).
- El léxico de Pichincha y Guayas : un estudio comparativo (2009). Published in the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
- El uso del verbo en el habla de Quito.
- ¡Full lindo!: Acerca del uso de full en el habla de Ecuador. Published in the Revista PUCE (Puce Magazine).
- Verdadera Vida y Milagros de un Figurón Sebruno…: un pasquín inédito de principios del siglo XIX (Estudios). Published in the Revista Andina de Letras (Quito), 49-76. Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Corporación Editora Nacional.
Estrella has published articles in English in collaboration with other researchers, such as Pilar Prieto, Jill Thorson, María del Mar Vanrelll. Which include:
- “Is prosodic development correlated with grammatical and lexical development? Evidence from emerging intonation in Catalan and Spanish.” Published in “Journal of Child Language” 39 (2), 221-257.
- “Politeness and prosody: Interaction of prosody in the requests with ‘‘dar’’as a benefactive in Ecuadorian Andean Spanish”. Published in “Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2007” Conference (PaPI), Braga (Portugal).
- “Early International Development in Spanish: A Case Study.” Published in “13th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium”, 203-213.