Luis Enrique Fierro

Luis Enrique Fierro

Luis Enrique Fierro (Tulcán, Carchi Province, November 14, 1936) is an Ecuadorian physician, writer and poet. His literary portfolio includes poetry collections like “Baratillo de esperanza,” “Metástasis,” “Arrecife,” “De Muelles y Caminos,” and “Antología Poética.” In the medical field, Fierro served as the Provincial Director of Health from 1965 to 1972 and later became the director of the pediatrics department at the Luis Gabriel Dávila Hospital. His cultural contributions extended to leadership roles as well, where he served three terms as the president of the Carchi branch of the House of Ecuadorian Culture during the periods of 1983-1987, 1992-1997, and 2001-2005. Ecuador’s president honored Fierro with the Eugenio Espejo Award in Culture in 2005.


He earned his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine at the Central University of Ecuador in 1964. His graduate thesis was titled “Mental illnesses determined by negative environmental factors.” Then in Argentina he completed a specialty in Pediatrics, afterwards returning to his native city of Tulcán to provide care for the poor children of his country.

Literary Works and Recognition

Fierro’s poetic voice resonates with readers across Ecuador and America. His works, such as “Baratillo de esperanza,” “Metástasis,” “Arrecife,” “De Muelles y Caminos,” “Recuerdos de Verano,” and others, speak volumes of his artistry. He has recited poetry in various esteemed venues like the Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba.

Renowned literary figures such as Franklin Barriga López, Violeta Luna, and Euler Granda have praised Fierro’s unique voice and poetic mastery. His poems are included in various anthologies, and his “Antología Poética” is part of the collection “Palabra Viva” of the House of Ecuadorian Culture.

Leadership and Cultural Involvement

A dedicated cultural leader, Fierro is a founding member and former president of the Group Caminos de Tulcán. He also served as president of the Carchi chapter of the Ecuadorian Society of Writers, and as a member of the Sociedad Bolivariana.

His commitment to cultural development in Ecuador can be seen through his presidency at Carchi chapter of the House of Ecuadorian Culture during the periods 1983-1987, 1992-1997, and 2001-2005. He played significant roles within the House of Ecuadorian Culture, serving on its executive council.

Fierro’s international presence includes participation in conferences and literary gatherings in Cuba, New York, and Barcelona. He has consistently represented Ecuador, sharing his insights on modern journalism and Ecuadorian culture.

Awards and acknowledgements

  • 1963: Dr. Francisco Salgado Award at the University Poetry Festival Award III Prize, organized by the School of Journalism Association at the Central University of Ecuador.
  • 1978: Cultural Merit Prize awarded by the College of Physicians of Carchi.
  • 1994: Cultural Merit Prize awarded by the House of Ecuadorian Culture.
  • January 11, 1996: Cultural Merit Award in Mira-Carchi.
  • Cultural Merit Award awarded by the Medical College of Carchi.
  • 2000: Cultural Merit Award at the “Bolívar” Superior Institute.
  • 2002: Decoration of Cultural Merit awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • 2002: Cultural Merit Prize awarded by the House of Ecuadorian Culture.
  • 2003: Vicente Rocafuerte Award presided over by the Honorable National Congress.
  • 2004: Cacique García Tulcanaza Award granted by the Provincial Government of Carchi.
  • 2005: Nomination for the National Eugenio Espejo Award for Cultural Activities, by the Plenary Board of the House of Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamín Carrión,” meeting in Tulcán.
  • 2006: National Award “Eugenio Espejo” for Cultural Activities.
  • February 10, 2006: “Sol Pasto” Award from the Illustrious Municipality of Tulcán.
  • February 2006: “Cultural Merit” Award granted by the Government of Carchi.
  • September 27, 2006: Carlos Emilio Grijalva Award granted by the Municipality of Cantón Espejo.
  • June 2006: Obando Municipal Award in the Degree of Grand Knight, granted by the Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Ipiales.

Personal life

Luis Enrique Fierro married Marcia Cecilia Isabel Urresta Burbano, they had 7 children: Doris Cecilia, Luis Fernando, Alexandra Nataly, Santiago Enrique, María Soledad and Verónica Elizabeth.

Luis Enrique Fierro reads his poetry

Uploaded to Youtube in 2016.


  • Al sur de los recuerdos: El Che en la literatura y el arte (1999)
  • Recuerdos de verano (2003)
  • Huellas de Eterno Caminante (2019)
  • Antología Poética (2007)
  • La barbarie, un vagón y un violín en las pupilas (2012)
  • Metástasis (1983)
  • De muelles y caminos: poesía (1996)
  • Arrecife: poesía (1987)
  • Hacia una nueva antología poética : visión de la poesía carchense a través de la metáfora (2004)
  • Gonzalo Pozo Álvarez y Florentino Bustos Estupiñán
  • El caminante de la luz (2007)
  • Si preguntan por mí (2013)

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