Venedikt Stepanovich Vinogradov, or Виноградов В. (July 11, 1925 – August 15, 2009) was a prose writer, university professor, and renowned translator of Spanish-language literature into Russian. In his lifetime, he published more than 100 scientific papers and about 30 literary translations of novels, short stories and collections of short stories by Latin American and Spanish authors. The total circulation of these publications exceeds 2 million copies. In 1976, Vinogradov translated Ecuador’s most famous novel, “Huasipungo” by Jorge Icaza into Russian as “Уасипунго.” In Russian, Jorge Icaza’s name is spelled Хорхе Икаса.
Vinogradov translated Jorge Icaza’s novel Huasipungo into Russian

Details in English
Huasipungo [Text]: Novel / Jorge Icaza; Translation from Spanish. V. Vinogradov; [Foreword. V. Zemskova]; [art. A. Belyukin]. – Moscow: Artist. lit., 1976. – 183 p. : ill.; 19 cm
Details in Russian
Уасипунго [Текст] : Роман / Хорхе Икаса ; Перевод с исп. В. Виноградова ; [Предисл. В. Земскова] ; [Худож. А. Белюкин]. – Москва : Худож. лит., 1976. – 183 с. : ил.; 19 см.
Details in Spanish
Huasipungo [Texto]: Novela / Jorge Icaza; Traducción del español. V. Vinogradov; [Prefacio. V.Zemskova]; [Arte. A. Belyukin]. – Moscú: Artista. lit., 1976. – 183 p. : enfermo.; 19cm
In 1952, Vinogradov graduated from the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, translation department. In 1976, he earned a PhD in Philology under the guidance of Academician G.V. Stepanov.
Positions and memberships
- Doctor of Philology since 1976.
- Professor of the Department of Romance Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University – since 1978.
- Chairman of the specialized council for the defense of dissertations in Germanic and Romance linguistics at Moscow State University since 1985
- Member of the board of the International Federation of Associations of Hispanists and Teachers of the Spanish Language (since 1990)
- Board member of the Asian Hispanic Association (since 1982)
- Member of the Cervantes Association of Researchers (since 1991)
- Vice-president of the society “Russia – Spain” (formerly – “USSR – Spain”, since 1982)
- Vice-president of the Association of Hispanists of Russia (since 1994)
- Member of the Writers’ Union of Russia (since 1973).
- He was the head of the department of Ibero-Romance linguistics (until 1989 – the department of Spanish and Portuguese languages) of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1978-1995).
Honors and recognitions
- He was awarded the honorary title “Honored Professor of Moscow State University” (in 1996)
- “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” (in 2005)
- Winner of the Lomonosov Prize (2002)
- Awarded the honorary badge ‘250 years of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov’.
Name variations
- Венеди́кт Степа́нович Виногра́дов
- Venedikt Stepanovich Vinogradov
- Venedikt Vinogradov