Fernando Itúrburu Rivadeneira (Guayaquil, 1960) is a writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, translator, and renowned scholar of Latin American literature. He is a Spanish professor in the Languages department at SUNY Plattsburgh where he has taught Latin American colonial and 20th century literatures, Cultural Studies, Women’s Studies, and Creative Writing. Often in collaboration with American professor Alexis Levitin, also of SUNY Plattsburgh, he has translated various Ecuadorian poets from Spanish to English. In 2009, they published “Tapestry of the Sun,” a bilingual anthology of Ecuadorian poets, which includes first-time translations of various Ecuadorian poets, largely from Guayaquil. Their translations of Ecuadorian poetry have also appeared in several literary journals. He was a member of the Guayaquil literary group Sicoseo. He has been a member of the House of Ecuadorian Culture since 1984.
Early Life and Education
Fernando Itúrburu Rivadeneira was born in 1960 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, a place that would later inspire and shape much of his work. He embarked on his academic journey at Universidad Católica, Guayaquil, where he earned a LIC in Spanish Language and Literature in 1984. His thirst for knowledge took him to Université de Paris-VIII St. Denis-Langue Vivante Etrangere, where he earned an M.A. in Espagnol and a DESU in Etudes Latino-Américaines et Caraibes in 1986. He then moved to the United States to complete his M.A. in Comparative Literature in 1992 and his Ph.D. in Romance Languages in 1998, both at the University of Oregon.
Academic Career
After his academic journey, Itúrburu Rivadeneira shaped the minds of future generations as a Spanish professor in the Languages Department at the State University of New York (SUNY) Plattsburgh. His teachings span a range of disciplines, including Latin American colonial and 20th-century literatures, cultural studies, women’s studies, and creative writing. His vast knowledge and comprehensive understanding of Latin American literature and culture make him an asset to the academic community.
Collaborations and Translations
Notably, Itúrburu Rivadeneira has often collaborated with Alexis Levitin, a fellow professor at SUNY Plattsburgh. Together, they have introduced the work of many Ecuadorian poets to the English-speaking world through their translations. A significant landmark in their joint venture is the bilingual anthology “Tapestry of the Sun. A Bilingual Anthology of Ecuadorian Poets” published in 2009. This collection features the work of numerous Ecuadorian poets, marking the first time many of these poets’ works have been translated into English.
Moreover, Itúrburu Rivadeneira’s and Levitin’s translations have graced the pages of numerous esteemed literary journals. In 2010, their translations of poems by various Ecuadorian poets such as Carlos E. Jaramillo, Sonia Manzano, Hernán Zúñiga, Hipólito Alvarado, and Antonio Preciado were featured in World Literature Today, Pusteblume, Afro-Hispanic Review, and Onthebus.
Also, the duo translated works by other notable poets, including David Ledesma, Edwin Madrid, Roy Siguenza, and Augusto Rodríguez. These translations appeared in diverse literary magazines, such as Spoon River Poetry Review, Great River Review, Controlled Burn, Zoland Poetry, Evansville Review, and Boulevard.
This dedicated work in translation has played a crucial role in amplifying the voices of Ecuadorian poets, allowing their work to be appreciated in a new linguistic context, thereby increasing the global visibility and reach of Ecuadorian and Latin American literature.
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
Over the years, Itúrburu Rivadeneira has been an active member of several professional organizations, further underscoring his commitment to his field. He served as a correspondent for the Ecuadorian newspaper El Nuevo Empresario from 2008–2016, bridging the divide between academic insight and public knowledge.
From 2004–2015, he was a member of the Asociación de Ecuatorianistas, reflecting his interest in the study of Ecuadorian culture and literature. Similarly, his ongoing role as a reader for the Bogotá-based journal Fronteras de la Historia. Colonial Latin American Review since 2003 showcases his dedication to engaging in and promoting academic discourse around Latin American history and colonial literature.
He was also involved with the Organization of American Historians (2004–2005), the Instituto Cervantes in New York (2000–2004), and the Africana/Organization for the Studies of Africans in the Americas (1999–2004), among others, demonstrating his deep-rooted interest in cultural and historical studies from various perspectives.
Itúrburu Rivadeneira’s engagement with the Latin American Program at SUNY Plattsburgh since 1998 and the Modern Languages Association (MLA) from 1997–2000 further emphasizes his commitment to promoting Latin American literature and linguistic studies.
Moreover, his involvement with various editorial boards is testament to his influence in the academic publishing realm. He served on the editorial board of the Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana Guaraguao from the University of Barcelona, Spain (1995–2004), and the Revista de Literatura Catedral Salvaje in Guayaquil (1988–1990).
Lastly, his longstanding membership with the Casa de la Cultura del Ecuador, Sección Literatura, since 1984 highlights his commitment to fostering Ecuadorian literature.
List of affiliations and memberships
- 2008–2016: Corresponsal for Ecuadorian newspaper El Nuevo Empresario.
- 2004–2015: Asociación de Ecuatorianistas
- 2003–present: Reader for Fronteras de la Historia. Colonial Latin American Review. Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2004–2005: Organization of American Historians.
- 2000–2004: Instituto Cervantes. New York, New York.
- 1999–2004: Africana/Organization for the Studies of Africans in the Americas.
- 1998–present: Latin American Program. SUNY Plattsburgh.
- 1997–2000: Modern Languages Association (MLA).
- 1995–2004: Editorial Board/Consejo de Redacción Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana Guaraguao: University of Barcelona-Spain.
- 1988–1990: Editorial Board/Consejo de Redacción Revista de Literatura Catedral Salvaje: Guayaquil.
- 1984–present: Casa de la Cultura del Ecuador, Sección Literatura.

Translations of Poetry
- 2009: Tapestry of the Sun. A Bilingual Anthology of Ecuadorian Poets. 350 pages. Translations with Alexis Levitin. California. San Francisco: Coimbra.
Translations in Magazines
- 2017: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Roy Siguenza in Onthebus. The Final Issue.
- 2012: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Dina Bellrham: four poems in The Chattahoochee Review, one poem in Per Contra, three poems in BitterOleander.
- 2012: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Jorge Martillo: Eight poems in Per Contra.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Carlos E. Jaramillo, Sonia Manzano in World Literature Today.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of poems by Hernán Zúñiga and Hipólito Alvarado, in Pusteblume.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of three poems by David Ledesma in Spoon River Poetry Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of two poems by David Ledesma in Great River Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of a poem by Edwin Madrid in Controlled Burn.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Antonio Preciado in Afro-Hispanic Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of five poems by Roy Siguenza in Onthebus.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of four poems by Augusto Rodríguez in Zoland Poetry.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of one poem by Augusto Rodrígez in Evansville Review.
- 2010: Translations with Alexis Levitin of one poem by Augusto Rodríguez in Boulevard.
Academic Refereed Books
- 2009: 2nd edition of (Auto) Biografía y Misticismo Femeninos en la Colonia: La ‘Relación’ escrita por Madre Josefa de la Providencia sobre Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. Guayaquil: Consulate of Perú. 200 pages.
- 2002: Lecturas prohibidas de la literatura ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: Universidad Católica. 195 pages.
- 2001: (Auto) Biografía y Misticismo Femeninos en la Colonia: La ‘Relación’ escrita por Madre Josefa de la Providencia sobre Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. New Orleans: UP of the South. 200 pages.
- 1988: La Palabra Invadida. Ensayos de Literatura Ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: FEDESO. 98 pages.
Academic Refereed Articles
- 2021: Review of “Esteban Mayorga. Galápagos. Imaginarios de la evolución textual en las islas encantadas” West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2019. Revista Iberoamericana. Vol. LXXXVII, Núm. 276, julio-septiembre 2021.
- 2015: Review of bibliographical and commented entry of “La Generación del 30 en Ecuador” for Oxford UP.
- 2012: “Ecuadorian Poetry”. The Princeton Encylopedia of Poetics. Roland Greene, editor. Princeton UP, 2012.
- 2011: “Heterosexualidad y problemas generacionales en la literatura ecuatoriana” 2nd. edition. Revista Nacional de Cultura. # 18. Septiembre-Diciembre. Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador.
- 2010: Review of The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics.The Latin America Readers Series. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31451
- 2010: Review of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. H-LatA. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31157
- 2010: Review of Neither Saints Nor Sinners: Writing the Lives of Women in Spanish America byKathleen Ann Myers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31155
- 2010: Review of Cortijo’s Wake: El Entierro de Cortijo.Durham: Duke University Press by Edgardo Rodriguez Julia, 2004. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=31158
- 2008: Review of Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador by Kim Clark, Marc Becker, eds. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=13756
- 2008: Review of Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin American Literature. Translated by Susan Benner. Durham: Duke University Press, July. H-LatAm. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=14714
- 2008: “Marianita de Jesus, Saint” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History (4 volumes). Bonnie G. Smith, editor. Oxford UP.
- 2007: “Heterosexualidad y problemas generacionales en la literatura ecuatoriana”.Iberoamericana Pittsburgh. July–September.
- 2007: “Jóvenes poetas ecuatorianos: en busca de un nuevo compromiso literario”. Litterae International. Universidad de Concepción-Chile
- 2007: Interview to salsa piano player and composer Larry Harlow, in El Quirófano, a Cultural magazine. April. Vol 1, No 2. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2007: Interview to salsa trumpet player and composer Luis “Perico” Ortiz in El Quirófano, a Cultural Magazine. January. Vol 1, No l. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2006: “Gertrudis de San Ildefonso, La Perla Mística.” (Introduction and anthology of her biography) in Diálogos espirituales. Manuscritos femeninos hispanoeamericanos. Siglos XVI-XIX. .Asunción Lavrin y Rosalva Loreto, editoras. Puebla: UNA de Puebla/U de las Américas. 202-224.
- 2006: “El Eco de un Tambor: Interview to Ecuadorian Writer Miguel Donoso Pareja.”Catedral, Literary Magazine of Newspaper Síntesis. April 15. Puebla, Mexico.
- 2003: Ultima canción del exiliado. On Donoso Pareja’s writing. Tempo 2. UNAM. Abril.
- 2003: Estructura de emociones y poética del tiempo en Fernando Nieto Cadena. Alternativas. Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Vol 4, Número 6. 10 pages.
- 2003: Thomas Merton, Thomas Wolfe y el amor por nuestra tierra. Alternativas. Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Vol 4, Número 5. 10 pages
- 2003: Ultima Canción del Exiliado. Fragments). Tiempo. Mexico. Abril. see www.uam.mx/difucion/revista/abr2003/iturburu
- 2003: “GUAYAQUIL”: Judíos, argentinos y el fin del nacionalismo criollo” in Jorge Luis Borges at the Millennium. Gary Gracz, ed. Mellen Press. 16 pages.
- 2002: “Juan Bautista Aguirre: Actualidad política del ‘Breve diseño de las ciudades de Guayaquil y Quito,’” in Alternativas 4, Review of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. 62-64. July.
- 2000: “¿Quién es el ’verdadero guayaquileño’?” in El Universo. Ecuadorian newspaper. July 21.
- 2000: Review of “Virtuosity of the Nineteenth Century: Performing Music and Language in Heine, Liszt, and Baudelaire” in The Comparatist 24, no. 1 (2000): 184-185.
- 1998: Relación de Madre Antonia Lucía Maldonado. Guaraguao (a Cultural magazine). Barcelona-Spain.
- 1998: “Los tópicos de la tradición en la música popular latinoamericana: salsa y bolero.”Cultura, Banco Central del Ecuador, April. 15 pages.
- 1995: “Reconstruyendo la Figura del Conquistador: Un estudio de la imagen de Francisco de Orellana.” Guaraguao. Revista de Cultura Latinoamericana (University of Barcelona-Spain)17-24.
- 1984-1987: Cultural Chronicles as Correspondant for the Literary Review of NewspaperExpreso. Guayaquil-Ecuador and Paris-France.
Creative Writing Publications:
- 2019: “Un adiós sin razones” (Chapter of novel) in Dos filos # 139. Julio/Septiembre, U of Zacatecas-Mexico. Page 10.
- 2018: “Evocación del viejo Donoso” (Literary Chronicle) in A la mar la palabra. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito. Pages 112-117.
- 2016: LA TINUSA. Antología de poetas latinoamericanos en the USA. Mexico DF: Secretaria de Cultura/ALDVS. Arturo Dávila, ed. Pages 244-255.
- 2014: Barcelona y Emelec: Las trampas de “garra, honor o corazón” (“Barcelona and Emelec: The Tricks of ‘Guts, Honor or Heart’”) a chronicle on soccer in newspaper PP El Verdadero. December 21.
- 2012: Siguiendo las huellas. (Following The Steps). Editor. Short Stories written by students from the Detective Literary Workshop. Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Guayaquil: UEES. May 2012. 80 pgs.
- 2012: Salsa norteña. CD of Salsa Music (4 songs). Lyrics by Fernando Iturburu. Music by Rick Davies.
- 2011: El Aguila bajo el sol. Entrevistas a cinco ecuatorianistas de Estados Unidos. The Eagle Under The Sun. Interviews to Five Ecuadorianists from the US).
- 2011: El regreso del Cholo Cepeda. (The Return of Cholo cepeda). Guayaquil: CEN.
- 2009 El libro del barrio. Various texts on Popular Culture (150 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2008: Rumor de inventario. (Antología personal) (200 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2006: El eco de un tambor. An anthology and interviews to six Ecuadorian writers (150 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano.
- 2006: Los patriotas del sur.Chronical and autobiographical writings (1960–1990) (100 pages). Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatorianao Norteamericano.
- 2006: Habana nocturna, and Rosa Primavera. (Salsa lyrics). Salsa Picante Orq., in Siempre Salsa, CD by Rick Davies, Emlyn Music.
- 2004: Si es que te queda cariño. (If you still love me) A novel. Guayaquil: Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano/ Imaginaria.
- 2004: Contra sí mismo y otros poemas prosaicos. (Against Oneself and Other Prose poems). Colección Línea Imaginaria. Quito: Casa de la Cultura.
- 2003: Indignados tus hijos del yugo. Rebel Children of Slavery. Anthology of Poetry. Several authors). Guayaquil: Imaginaria.
- 2002: El cholo Cepeda, detective privado (Detective short stories). Guayaquil: Imaginaria.
- 2002: “Fiesta en el Bronx” (Salsa lyrics) in Fiesta en el Bronx. Salsa Picante Orchestra. CD Produced by Wayne Gorbea. Sanachie Entertainment Corp.
- 1997: El Camino Tomado. (Poetry). Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura.
- 1995: Editor, Entre el Cero y la Unidad. Guayaquil: Universidad Católica P. Works produced in the Literary Workshops I directed at the Universidad Católica.
- 1990: Vástagos. (Poetry). Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura.
- 1988: De Maitines y Laudes. (Poetry). Zacatecas-Mexico: U of Zacatecas P.
- 1984: Posta Poética. (Variuos authors). Quito: El Conejo, 1984.
- 1980: Colectivo. (Various Authors). Poems. Jorge Velasco, ed. Guayaquil: Grafec.
- 1978: Cambio. (Cultural Magazine). Poems. Vol 4/III. México DF.
- 1978: Donde Crecen las Arañas. (Short Stories). Guayaquil: De los negritos.
Manuscript in preparation:
- Guayaquil: Barroco popular, humor y conservadurismo politico. (criticism)
Reviews on El Cholo Cepeda:
- 2008: “De Sherlock Holmes al Cholo Cepeda”. Diario Extra. Guayaquil. Agosto 27.
- 2006: “El Eco de un tambor negro-andino” by Juan de Jesús López. Milenio. 12 de Diciembre.Villahermosa-Mexico.
- 2005: On Fernando Iturburu prose and poetry: Fernando Nieto Cadena in Alternativas, Review of Cathotic University of Guayaquil.
- 2002: “Presentación de ‘El Cholo Cepeda, Investigador Privado’” by Carolina Andrade in Alternativas 4 (A Cultural magazine). Cathotic University of Guayaquil. Julio. Pages 84-85.
- 2002: Nuevo realismo ecuatoriano. Miguel Donoso Pareja (Quito: Eskeletra). Pages 180, 243.
- 2002: “Guayaquil según Iturburu” by Xavier Michelena in ElComercio. (Ecuadorian newspaper). May 3.
- 2002: “El Guayaquil sensible de Fernando Iturburu” by Lola Márquez in Vistazo. (Magazine). January 24. Pages 76-77.
- 2002: “El Guayaquil del Cholo Cepeda” by Clara Medina in ElUniverso. January 6. Page 9.
- 1997: “Fernando Iturburu y el cuento policíaco” by Jorge Martillo in El Universo. June 26.
Interviews and Profiles:
- 2021: Interviews on Times of Pandemic. Nine artists and intellectuals from Ecuador.
- 2021: Serie: Memoria del barrio. Ten representatives of popular neighborhoods of Guayaquil.
- 2017: Interview on poetry translation (“La traducción como un ejercicio de adaptación”) in El Telégrafo. 02/24
- 2015: Interview on Miguel Donoso Pareja, in “La Revista,” diario El Universo.http://www.larevista.ec/cultura/personaje/Miguel-Donoso-hoy-empezamos-a-recordarlo
- 2013: TV Interview for Cultural Program EDUCA. August 7.
- 2011: Interview in SoHo, a cultural magazine. Quito: September.
- 2011: Interviews at TV of Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo. Department of Communication. Video Material: Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2UnQHOAZiE, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsvNMl5tctY. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
- 2011: Interviews in El Universo, newspaper of Guayaquil: July and August.
- 2008: American Consulate in Guayaquil: Bulletin on Launching of Rumor de inventario, in http://guayaquil.usconsulate.gov/pr_08.13.08
- 2008: Interview. El Universo. newspaper). Guayaquil, August 17.
- 2008: Interview. Vistazo. magazine). Guayaquil, August 14.
- 2008: Interview. Entrelíneas. Vistazo. Guayaquil, August 14, p. 70
- 2008: Interview Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. Institution Archives. DVD material. August 13.
- 2008: “El suspenso de Highsmith” (Patricia Highsmith’s suspense). Expreso. (newspaper): Guayaquil, April 20.
- 2008: Ecuadorian poets translated into English, with Alexis Levitin. Per Contra. on-line literary magazine). Winter/Spring.
- 2007: Ecuadorian poets translated into English, with Alexis Levitin. Per Contra. on-line literary magazine). Summer/Fall.
- 2006: Los patriotas del sur de Fernando Iturburu. Otón Chávez. El Universo (newspaper): Guayaquil, December 24.
- 2006: Iturburu: Sería mucho más felíz en Guayaquil. Guayaquil: El Universo (newspaper). Guayaquil: October 17.
- 2006: Fernando Iturburu, un autor que disfruta de la disciplina. Expreso (newspaper). Guayaquil, October 17.
- 2006: Crónicas y remembreanzas de Fernando Iturburu. Meridiano (newspaper). Guayaquil, October 17.
- 2005: La noción del sujeto en la actual poesía ecuatoriana: el caso de tres autores. Angel Emilio Hidalgo. http://www.edufuturo.com/imageBDE/EF/79028.nocion.pdf
- 2004: Historical Bibliography of Ecuador by Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel.http://www.diccionariobiograficoecuador.com/tomos/tomo6/i1.htm
- 2004: Poetry Reading. Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. Guayaquil. El Universo. Newspaper information. 01/ 8.
- 2002: “¿Qué ofra famosa de la literatura ecuatoriana no hubiera escrito y por qué? in El Universo. Ecuadorian newspaper). August 14.
- 2002: “Entre lo policial y la picaresca” Interview by Fernando Cazón Vera in Expreso (Ecuadorian newspaper). January Page 13.
- 2002: “Profs Become Students of Diverse Latin Women” in The Arizona Republic. Phoenix). July.
- 2001: “Literatura Colonial para entender América” by Clara Medina in El Telégrafo. Ecuadorian newspaper). March 1.
- 2001: “Iturburu: La palabra está burocratizada.” Interview by Sofía Guerrero in El Universo. January 17.
- 1998: “El camino tomado” by Jorge Martillo in El Universo. January 20.
- 1995: Los libros de mi vida. La historia que nunca se contó.Interviews by Edgar Freire. Quito: Círculo de Lectores. Pages 160–161.
- 1995: “Los discutidos talleres. Nueva opinión sobre una vieja polémica” in El Telégrafo. April 13.
- 1995: Biography published by Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel in Diccionario Biográfico Ecuatoriano Vol VI (U on Guayaquil P: Guayaquil, Ecuador).
- 1991: “Vástagos: La madrugada de una conciencia” by Marcelo Baez in Expreso. January 9.
- 1988: “Escribir bien es mi único deber” in El Universo. September 11.
- 1983: “¿Qué es escribir poesía?” Expreso. July 24.