Abel Romeo Castillo

Abel Romeo Castillo y Castillo (Guayaquil, January, 22 1904 – Guayaquil, November 11, 1996) was an Ecuadorian writer, historian, biographer, journalist and poet. He was the son of José Abel Castillo Albornoz, the former owner of the newspaper El Telégrafo. Castillo earned a doctoral degree in history in 1931 from the Central University of Madrid, Spain. Among his more notable books are his biographical works on Medardo Ángel Silva, Aurora Estrada i Ayala and José Joaquín de Olmedo, to name a few. His poems “Romance de mi destino” and “Romance criollo de la niña guayaquileña,” were turned into popular pasillo songs. Castillo was one of the founders of the Society of Independent Artists and Writers, and of the Guayas branch of the House of Ecuadorian Culture. Castillo was a member of the Ecuadorian Academies of Language and History.

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Characters in Jorge Icaza’s Huasipungo (The Villagers)

A list of characters in Huasipungo (1934, English translation by Bernard M. Dulsey: The Villagers, 1964) a novel by Jorge Icaza.

Don Alfonso Pereiraconsidered a gentleman of high society in Quito
Doña Blanca ChaniquePereira’s wife and a matron of the church.
Doña LolitaPereira’s adolescent daughter.
Uncle JulioPereira’s powerful uncle, who has the habit of talking in plural.
Mr. Chapythe manager of the exploitation of wood in Ecuador; an American with great financial resources and millionaire connections abroad.
Policarpiothe mayordomo of the Cuchitambo hacienda owned by Don Alfonso Pereira.
Andrés Chiliquingathe novel’s main protagonist of the novel, an Indian in the hacienda of Don Alfonso Pereira. He heads the resistance during the eviction of the Indians from their huasipungos.
Jacinto Quintanaa mestizo who is the teniente politico, he is a bartender and foreman. He is corrupt and authoritarian. He despises and abuses the Indians.
JuanaJacinto Quintana’s mestiza wife, who has occasional sexual relations with Pereira and the priest.
Gabriel Rodrígueza one-eyed mestizo who is mean to the Indian people.
The priestAn adulterer who gives sermons and puts fear in the hearts of the Indians in order to take advantage of them and achieve financial gain.
Cunshidrés Chiliquinga’s wife, who is physically and sexually abused both by Pereira and by her own husband.
List of characters in Huasipungo (The Villagers)

See also the Glossary for Huasipungo.

Tatiana Hidrovo Quiñónez

Tatiana María del Carmen Hidrovo Quiñónez (Portoviejo, 1961) is an Ecuadorian writer, university professor, researcher, historian and politician. She served on Ecuador’s Constituent Assembly from 2007 to 2008, which was tasked with drafting a new constitution.She has published several historical books about Ecuador’s Manabí region, including works on politics, the Catholic church, colonial-era proselytization of indigenous peoples, and more. In Montecristi, Ecuador, she was the president and director of the Ciudad Alfaro Civic Center.

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Edwin Ulloa Arellano

Edwin Ulloa Arellano (Riobamba, 1947) is an Ecuadorian poet, novelist, short story writer, journalist, psychologist and retired university professor. Ulloa has lived in Guayaquil since adolescence. He was an official of the House of Ecuadorian Culture in Guayaquil. His books include Sobre una tumba una rumba (1992, short stories), La sombra de tu sonrisa (2014, poetry), Polvo de Ángel (2010, novel). He has worked as the general editor of the ANDES State News Agency, Diario Expreso, and La Otra Magazine, and as the director of the newspaper El Telégrafo.

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