Alexis Zaldumbide

Alexis Zaldumbide Manosalvas

Winner of the XLIII Aurelio Espinosa Pólit Prize

In 2018, Alexis Zaldumbide Manosalvas was awarded the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit National Literature Award for his short story collection “Habitaciones con música de fondo.” This prestigious accolade, given by the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, is a testament to the significant literary achievements within the Ecuadorian community, spanning various genres such as poetry, nonfiction, novels, and theater. The recognition of Zaldumbide’s work by the jury, which included notable figures like Jorge Velasco Mackenzie, Abdón Ubidia, Vicente Robalino, and Ana Estrella Santos, underscored the thematic coherence and depth in exploring the solitude of its characters set against a backdrop of complex realities. As a part of the honor, Zaldumbide received a prize of USD 7,500 and saw his winning collection published by the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. This award is recognized as one of Ecuador’s most important literary honors, underscoring the national and cultural significance of Zaldumbide’s achievement.

Interview with Alexis Zaldumbide

Alexis Zaldumbide gets interviewed in 2018 about wining the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit National Literature Prize. Video produced by The Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which awards the prize.


  • Las valerosas hazañas de Pedro Mayo (2013) – children’s book
  • La puerta azul (2013) – children’s book
  • Habitaciones con música de fondo (2018) – short stories – recipient of the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit National Literature Prize

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