Raúl Serrano Sánchez

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Jorge Vanegas Muñoz

Jorge Vanegas Muñoz (Guayaquil, September 6, 1923 – ibidem, April 6, 2003) the distinguished Ecuadorian poet, novelist, and journalist, left an enduring literary legacy that transcends borders. His notable works, including “Los sangrientos estambres,” “Esqueleto en abril,” and “Los escarabajos de un Virey,” stand as testaments to his poetic prowess and his commitment to the art of verse. In 1975, he received the prestigious National Poetry Contest Ismael Pérez Pazmiño award from the esteemed Guayaquil newspaper “El Universo.” Beyond his literary contributions, Jorge’s advocacy for peace, as seen through his participation in the Committee of Ecuadorian Writers for Peace and representation at the World Congress in Stockholm, reflects his dedication to using poetry as a force for harmony in a world marked by division. His life’s work continues to inspire and captivate readers, solidifying his place in Ecuador’s literary pantheon and beyond.

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Ernesto Torres Terán

Ernesto Torres Terán (Guayaquil, 1956) is an Ecuadorian medical doctor and prolific writer. He began his literary journey with the publication of the short story collection “Del puerto secreto” (1982), followed by “Y sin embargo se mueve” (1983) and “Territorio de fantasmas” (2006). His novels include notable works like “Asedios profanos,” for which he won the Onetti-Rulfo Prize in 1996, “Mínima gloria” (2012), and “Diecisiete ballenas en una pecera” (2014), earning him various awards. Recently, he won the Miguel Riofrío Prize for his latest novel “Tu próxima movida” (2022), further adding to his acclaim as a prominent Ecuadorian writer.

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Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno

Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (Guayaquil, September 28, 1859 – New York City, March 20, 1951) was a prominent Ecuadorian politician, author, and intellectual figure of the early 20th century. Baquerizo Moreno excelled in various fields throughout his life. He displayed his artistic talents through his poetry, influenced by Spanish author Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, and his novels, which showcased his imaginative storytelling. Baquerizo Moreno’s career in politics was equally impressive, serving as the President of Ecuador from 1916 to 1920. During his presidency, he implemented progressive reforms and prioritized social justice, advocating for the abolition of debt imprisonment and improving labor conditions. Baquerizo Moreno’s lasting contributions to literature and his dedication to public service have secured his place in Ecuadorian history as a multifaceted and influential figure.

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Juan Montalvo

Juan Montalvo, born Juan María Montalvo y Fiallos (Ambato, Ecuador, April 13, 1832 – Paris, France, January 17, 1889) was an influential Ecuadorian author, essayist, and formidable polemicist whose writings had a significant impact on the political landscape of his time. Known for his notable works such as “Las Catilinarias” (1880) and “Siete Tratados” (1882), Montalvo exhibited a fiery, unapologetic style, often challenging and criticizing the political status quo. As a political liberal, his beliefs were characterized by anti-clericalism and a fierce opposition to the authoritarian regimes of Gabriel García Moreno and Ignacio de Veintemilla. Despite facing exile multiple times, his penetrating critiques and commitment to democratic principles left a lasting legacy in Ecuador and beyond. Montalvo’s audacious spirit, combined with his eloquent prose, positioned him as a key figure in Latin American literature, while his life and works continue to symbolize the power of the written word as a tool for political change.

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José Paul Aguilar

José Paul Aguilar (Quito, 1965) is an Ecuadorian author, architect, and musician who began his writing career as a poet. He began writing at the age of fifteen, with his first poetry book published at twenty-two. Two of his notable works include “TŪTUM,” a compilation of poems and stories, and “Canciones de Otoño,” a collection of poems written since 1982. In 2023, he released his debut novel, “Un sol se me escondió” (A Sun Hid From Me). The novel received a warm reception and was showcased at the Madrid Book Fair. Interestingly, Aguilar is a descendent of Juan Montalvo, a renowned Latin American writer, which has been a significant source of inspiration for him.

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Alejandro Ribadeneira

Alejandro Ribadeneira Tobar (Santiago, Chile, 1973) is an author, journalist, and editor born to an Ecuadorian father and a Chilean mother and has dual nationality. Since 2000, he has been part of Grupo El Comercio in Ecuador, where he has served as a macro editor, tasked with planning and editing journalistic content in areas such as Culture, Entertainment, Sports, Environment, History, among others, for both digital and print media. Educated at the Central University of Ecuador with a degree in Social Communication, Ribadeneira has penned a poetry book, several volumes of short stories, and novels, including “La frutilla mecánica,” “La máscara del padre,” “Calendario sin abril,” and “Inti-Force: Orígenes.” For 25 years, he has been a dedicated commentator and writer on the subject of soccer. He lives in Quito, Ecuador.

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Humberto Salvador

Humberto Salvador Guerra (Guayaquil, December 25, 1909 – Ibidem, January 17, 1982) was an Ecuadorian writer, editor, jurist, psychoanalyst, and literature professor. His early literary works associated him with the avant-garde movement in Ecuador, publishing notable works such as the novel “En la ciudad he perdido una novela…” (1930). However, he shifted towards social realism in his later works, with novels such as “Camarada” (1933), “Trabajadores” (1935) and “Noviembre” (1939). Known for his exploration of human psychology and his bold examination of societal issues, Salvador’s works displayed a remarkable depth of insight and a willingness to challenge traditional norms. His remarkable literary legacy includes 13 novels, 4 short story collections, 2 plays, and a groundbreaking doctoral thesis titled “Esquema sexual” that has gone though many editions.

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Julia Rendón Abrahamson

Julia Rendón Abrahamson (Quito, 1978) is an Ecuadorian writer. She has authored the novel “Lengua ajena” (2022), which explores profound themes of identity and belonging. In addition to her novel, Rendón Abrahamson has released two collections of short stories, including “Yeguas y terneros” (2021) and “La casa está muy grande” (2015). Her remarkable talent has garnered recognition, including being awarded the Montserrat Roig Grant for Literary Creation in 2021 by the City Hall of Barcelona, as part of UNESCO’s City of Literature program. Rendón Abrahamson’s educational background is just as impressive, with degrees from renowned institutions such as Boston College, Parsons School of Design, the National University of the Arts in Argentina, and the Argentine institute Casa de Letras. She also teaches creative writing workshops and founded Espacio Cultural PezPlátano in Quito.

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Diego Maenza

Diego Maenza (Los Ríos, 1987) is an Ecuadorian writer. He is known for his works in poetry, fiction, and novels, which have been translated into several languages. In 2018, Maenza published “Caricreaturas,” a work that combines short stories and poetry. It was a finalist in the call for applications from the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador. The book was later translated into Italian by Alessandro Elias Ghetti and into English by Gastón Jofre Torres. Also in 2018, the National Headquarters of the House of Ecuadorian Culture published Maenza’s novel “Estructura de la plegaria” (Structure of Prayer). This work tackles sensitive topics such as pedophilia and abortion within the context of the intimate lives of Catholic clergy. The novel has been translated into Italian, English, French, Portuguese, German, and Russian. In 2019, Maenza released his poetry collection “Bestiario americano” (American Bestiary), which poetically condenses urban legends and myths from across the Americas. His second novel, “Todas las cartas de amor son ridículas” (All Love Letters Are Ridiculous), was published in 2020. It is a parody of romance novels written in an epistolary format and deals with themes of sexual violence.

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Pedro Reino

Pedro Reino Garcés (Cevallos, February 9, 1951) is an Ecuadorian writer, historian, and journalist. He has published numerous works on the history of the Tungurahua Province and serves as the official chronicler of Ambato. Reino has written in various genres including poetry, short stories, novels, and essays. He has received recognition and awards for his literary contributions, and his books have been translated into languages such as Japanese, Korean, Serbian, and German and published internationally. Reino’s works delve into historical and cultural aspects of his region and reflect his passion for storytelling and preserving local heritage. He is a member of the Ecuadorian House of Culture, Tungurahua Branch. Since 2014, he has been a member of the National Academy of History.

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Esteban Michelena

Esteban Michelena Ayala (Quito, 1963) is an Ecuadorian novelist, writer, and journalist. He is perhaps best known for his trilogy of novels, which includes “Atacames Tonic” (2002), “No more tears” (2018), and the critically acclaimed “El pasado no perdona” (2022) which embodies a genre defined by the author as “tragic realism.” Additionally, through his nonfiction writings, Michelena explores the realities of his country, addressing topics such as political corruption, social inequality, and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. As a journalist, Michelena has been honored with 12 national awards and recognitions, including the “Jorge Mantilla Ortega” award by the newspaper El Comercio on three occasions.

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Mariasol Pons

Mariasol Pons Cruz (Guayaquil, 1979) is an Ecuadorian novelist known for her captivating storytelling. Pons has authored several notable works, including “La Chica” (2013), “El libro de Olga” (2017), and “¿De quién son estas piernas?” (2021). Her debut novel, “La Chica,” delves into the world of drug trafficking, while “El libro de Olga” draws inspiration from Bram Stoker’s Dracula and explores complex characters in historical contexts. In “¿De quién son estas piernas?” Pons ventures into the realm of the future, challenging notions of identity and autonomy. Pons’ distinctive writing style and ability to engage readers have garnered recognition and acclaim in the literary community. Currently, she resides in Guayaquil and works as an editorialist for the newspapers Diario Expreso, Diario de Manabí, and La República.

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Raúl Rojas Hidalgo

Raúl Rojas Hidalgo (born 1944) is an Ecuadorian poet and novelist. His collection of poetry, “Como el agua” [Like Water], was published by the House of Ecuadorian Culture in 1988. In 1990, his novel “Una buena razón para matar” [A Good Reason To Kill] was featured in the First Ecuadorian Novel Biennial. In 2004, Rojas published another collection of poetry called “Salmos de amor a las seis de la tarde” [Love Psalms at Six in the Evening].

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Pablo Escandón Montenegro

Pablo Escandón Montenegro (May 30, 1974) is an Ecuadorian fiction writer and social communicator with a PhD in Communication and Contemporary Information from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. His research focuses on topics such as heritage, museums, memory recovery, and digital literature. He has served as a professor for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs at various universities in Ecuador, and is the director of Arsquitensis. Currently, he works as a full-time professor in the Communication area at Simón Bolívar Andean University in Ecuador.

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