Alfonso Murriagui

Alfonso Murriagui Valverde (Quito, 1929-January 19, 2017) was an Ecuadorian poet, fiction writer, dramatist, journalist, and an exponent of communism. Murriagui‘s poetry is marked by political and revolutionary ideology. For several years he was an editor of En Marcha, the official weekly periodical of the Central Committee of the Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador. In 1961 he was a founding member of the Tzántzico group of the 1960s. That same year he began writing for Pucuna magazine. In 1965 he became vice president of the Association of Young Writers of Ecuador. He was the director of public relations of the Luís Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas Technical University from 1972-1976. He was the director of cultural diffusion of the Philosophy Department of the Central University of Ecuador from 1985-1992). During the last 15 years of his life he was the editor of the culture section of the leftist weekly periodical Opción.

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Raúl Andrade Moscoso

Raúl Andrade Moscoso (Quito, October 4, 1905 – Quito, September 10, 1983) was an Ecuadorian journalist and dramatist. As a journalist, Andrade travelered throughout Mexico and Colombia, where he worked for the newspaper El Tiempo (Bogota, Colombia), and published his book “La internacional negra en Colombia,” a collection of articles on the crisis in Colombia. He was also the editor of El Comercio from 1954-1982. As a dramatist, Andrade published “Suburbio,” a romantic evocation on the suburbs of Quito. In 1983 the president of Ecuador conferred on Andrade the Eugenio Espejo Prize in Culture.

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José Martínez Queirolo

José Miguel Martínez Queirolo (Guayaquil, March 22, 1931 – Guayaquil, October 8, 2008) was an Ecuadorian playwright and writer. He was awarded the national theater award on four occasions for his plays, La casa del qué dirán (1962), Los unos vs. Los otros (1968), La dama meona (1976) and La conquista no ha terminado todavía (1983). He was the 2001 recipient of the Eugenio Espejo Award in Literature, awarded to him by Ecuador’s president.

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Hugo Salazar Tamariz

Hugo Salazar Tamariz (Cuenca, September 2, 1923 – Guayaquil, January 31, 1999) was a poet, novelist, playwright and actor. After traveling extensively throughout America, Europe, Asia and Africa, he moved to Guayaquil in 1940 where he lived most of his life and taught literature and drama at the university. He wrote several novels and books of short stories. In 1968 he published 3 plays in one volume entitled “Teatro,” which included “La falsa muerte de un ciclista,” “Toque de queda,” and “Por un plato de arroz.” In 2008, a complete collection of his poems was published posthumously under the eponymous title “Hugo Salazar Tamariz: poesía completa.

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Enrique Avellán Ferrés

Enrique Avellán Ferrés (Guayaquil, December 11, 1904 – Quito, 1984) was a distinguished Ecuadorian novelist, playwright, and legal scholar, celebrated for his contributions to both the literary and legal fields. Author of the compelling novel “La enorme pasión,” the critically acclaimed three-act play “Como los árboles” (1927), and the innovative musical fantasy “La rebelión del museo” (1969), Avellán Ferrés carved out a unique space in Ecuadorian culture. After earning a degree in social and political sciences from the University of Guayaquil, he went on to achieve notable success, including winning literary prizes and playing a pivotal role in copyright law advocacy, further establishing his legacy as a multifaceted intellectual force in Ecuador.

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César E. Arroyo

César E. Arroyo (Quito, 1887 – Cádiz, 1937) was an Ecuadorian poet, novelist, journalist, playwright and diplomat. He was Ecuador’s Consul in Vigo from 1912 to 1916, and Ecuador’s Consul in Madrid from 1917 to 1919. He later served as Consul in Santander and Cadiz. He co-founded the Madrid-based magazine Cervantes (1913-1921) with the Spanish poet Francisco Villaespesa.

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Pedro Jorge Vera

Pedro Jorge Vera (Guayaquil, June 16, 1914 – Guayaquil, March 5, 1999) was an Ecuadorian journalist, novelist, short story writer, playwright, poet, university professor, and a politician from the Communist Party of Ecuador. He published and contributed to several controversial newspapers and magazines, such as “La Calle”, with the writer Alejandro Carrión, and “La Mañana”. He remained throughout his life a close friend of Cuban president Fidel Castro. Vera was the paternal uncle of Prima Ballerina Noralma Vera Arrata.

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Juan Andrade Heymann

Juan Andrade Heymann (Quito, December 18, 1945) is an Ecuadorian writer, novelist, short story writer, poet, and playwright. His short story El lagarto en la mano (1965) and his novel Las tertulias de San Li Tun (1993) expressed social change.

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Rafael Pino Roca

Rafael Pino Roca (Guayaquil, October 24, 1878 – 1963) was an Ecuadorian poet and playwright. From 1908-1911 he was appointed Captain of the Port of Guayaquil by General Eloy Alfaro. In 1915 his play La Pólvora, which was co-written with his friend César Borja Lavayen, was brought to the stage in the Olmedo Theater of Guayaquil. In 1916 he was named Minister of War, Navy and Aviation in the government of President Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno. In 1931 he was named Ecuador’s Consul General in Bremen and Prague, and in 1935 he was put in charge of trade with Berlin. Pino’s most praised work is Canto a la Raza (1934), about the discovery and conquest of the Americas.

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Patricio Vallejo Aristizábal

Patricio Vallejo Aristizábal (Quito, 1964) is an Ecuadorian actor, director, dramaturg, playwright, and professor. In 2013, his play Caminando sobre arenas movedizas (2012) won the Joaquín Gallegos Lara Prize. He has written books on theater, such as Teatro y vida cotidiana (2003), El teatro político y la figura del Inca (2003), and La Niebla Y La Montaña: Tratado Sobre El Teatro Ecuatoriano Desde Sus Orígenes (2011). In 2001, the House of Ecuadorian Culture bestowed on Vallejo the “National Theatrical Merit Award.”

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Octavio Cordero Palacios

Octavio Cordero Palacios (Santa Rosa, Azuay, May 3, 1870 – December 17, 1930) was a writer, playwright, poet, lawyer, judge, politician, mathematician, translator, teacher and inventor. Among his plays are Gazul (1890), Los Hijos de Atahualpa (1891) and Los Borrachos (1892). Today the town in which he was born bears his name.

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Carlos Gallegos

Carlos Gallegos is an Ecuadorian dramatist, stage director and actor from Cuenca who starred in the 2010 film Prometeo deportado (Deporting Prometeo). In 2015, his play Barrio Caleidoscopio (2010), translated into French as Quartier Kaléidoscope, was awarded at the Le Coup de Chapeau festival in Toulouse, France. As the winner of the prize, his play was included in the 2016 programming of the Le Grand Rond theater. Since 2013, Gallegos has resided in France.

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Alicia Yánez Cossío

Alicia Yánez Cossío (Quito, September 10, 1928) is an Ecuadorian novelist, poet, short story writer, and journalist. She is considered one of the 2oth Century’s most important literary figures of Ecuador and Latin America. Since 1991 she has been a member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language. In 1996, with her novel El cristo feo (1995), Yánez became the first Ecuadorian to win the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize (Guadalajara, Mexico), one of the most prestigious awards for female authors in the Spanish speaking world. In 2008 she received Ecuador’s highest literary award, the Eugenio Espejo Award, for her lifetime of work.

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