The poets of Elan

The ELAN Group (grupo Elan) emerged as a vibrant literary movement in Cuenca, Ecuador, during the 1940s, representing the neosymbolism or lyrical vanguard movement. They marked a significant departure from previous styles of poetry, aiming to create an authentic and innovative form of Cuenca poetry. Comprised of writers, artists, poets, and journalists born between 1905 and 1920, ELAN shared a sense of unity in their cultural outlook. ELAN’s poetry, characterized by clarity and humanism, continues to exert influence on contemporary literary circles. Within this group, Efraín Jara Idrovo stands out as an exceptional figure known for his remarkable contributions. Their early works and subsequent contributions were documented in various publications, showcasing their dedication to the craft. In 1972, Antonio Lloret Bastidas paid tribute to the lasting impact of the ELAN Group through his publication “Motivos de la Poesía Cuencana” and further honored them with a dedicated volume in his “Antología de la Poesía Cuencana.” The ELAN Group played a pivotal role in shaping the literary landscape of Cuenca and left a lasting impact on the poetry of the region.

List of ELAN poets

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